Asae Dean and Jenny Newbry produced Fool for Love by Sam Shepard in the spring of 2013. PQ Monthly praised the production saying “their motel room is like a scorpion pit, with May and Eddie pursuing one another around the single bed. Their love, and its bizarre origin, is the play’s backbone…the standout performance belongs to Jenny Newbry Waters, who portrays May. She completely inhabits the part. At times her body writhes and shakes, suggesting some past traumas only hinted at by the script, yet somehow deepening its impact. The play’s achievement, as well as the production’s, is to make such erratic behavior something we turn to rather than away from, and to make May and Eddie feel human rather than monstrous.”


Production Team

Venue: Backdoor Theater

Photos: Matt Schneider


Cinnamon and Cigarettes 2013


Cressida 2013